Didgeridoo Learning Day 2024

Didgeridoo Learning Day 2024

Professional didgeridoo artist Lies Beijerinck (DidgeMama.com) and passionate didgeridoo player and trainer Jeroen van der Sluis (DidgeJerome.com) are organizing an all-inclusive didgeridoo day on Sunday, June 2nd. This is a day where every level of didgeridoo player is welcome to learn and refine their skills.
This day-long event is an opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the didgeridoo, whether you are an absolute beginner or the most advanced player. You’ll come out of the day with new skills and knowledge.
Absolute beginners who want to learn everything from scratch.
Slightly experienced players who want to refine and grow.
Advanced players who want to perfect their skills and muscle control.
€185.00 Including:
* 21% VAT
* Parking
* Coffee, tea, water
* Vegetarian lunch (meal salad and sandwiches)
* Use of didgeridoos (own material available throughout the day)
* Tickets exclusively available via “Ticket link” (Metaal Kathedraal)
“You have never been able to learn so much in one day!”
An own didgeridoo is not required.
Two different didgeridoos (Teak wood and a slide didge Didgeribone) are available per person, which are available to you all day with your own name on them. A practice tube is also available for beginners to quickly learn the basic tone. Do you have your own didgeridoo? Definitely bring it with you.
Morning program (10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)
Part 1: Basic techniques
Beginners: Learn to play the basic tones correctly to be able to go deeper in the afternoon.
Advanced: Refining and perfecting to make more advanced techniques possible after lunch.
Part 2: Circular breathing
Beginners: Introduction; how does it work and how do you use this breathing when playing the didgeridoo?
Advanced: Deepening and refining. A lot of attention is paid to the tongue and proper abdominal breathing and use of the diaphragm.
Lunch (1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.)
Afternoon program (2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Beginners get the opportunity to spend more time on what was covered in the morning, such as tongue-cheek techniques, lips, jaw, and breathing components.
Advanced players will focus on the isolations of different muscles that are important for didgeridoo playing. This allows you, for example, to play a double wobble or an inhaled tooth by making certain muscle groups work separately or in cooperation.
* Doors open at 9:30 a.m. (we will start at 10:00 a.m.)
* Chairs are available, but it can also be nice to play while sitting on the ground. Do you have your own chair or cushion to sit comfortably on the ground? Feel free to bring it.
* It’s also nice to bring your own water bottle.
* A good mood and openness to learning is all you need to bring. Everything else is provided.
* Afterwards, there is the possibility to purchase a didgeridoo yourself.
Didgeridoo Learning Day

Didgeridoo Learning Day

Professional didgeridoo artist Lies Beijerinck and passionate didgeridoo player and trainer Jeroen van der Sluis (DidgeJerome.com) are organizing an all-inclusive didgeridoo day on Sunday, June 11th. This is a day where every level of didgeridoo player is welcome to learn and refine their skills. This day-long event is an opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the didgeridoo, whether you are an absolute beginner or the most advanced player. You’ll come out of the day with new skills and knowledge.

Absolute beginners who want to learn everything from scratch.
Slightly experienced players who want to refine and grow.
Advanced players who want to perfect their skills and muscle control.

€185.00 Including:
* 21% VAT
* Parking
* Coffee, tea and water
* Vegetarian lunch (meal salad and sandwiches)
* Use of didgeridoos (own material available throughout the day)
* Tickets are exclusively available via the “Ticket link” (Metaal Kathedraal)

Didge Jerome – Didge Mama
“You have never been able to learn so much in one day!”

An own didgeridoo is not required.
Two different didgeridoos (Teak wood and a slide didge Didgeribone) are available per person, which are available to you all day with your own name on them. A practice tube is also available for beginners to quickly learn the basic tone. Do you have your own didgeridoo? Definitely bring it with you.

Morning program (10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)
Part 1: Basic techniques
Beginners: Learn to play the basic tones correctly to be able to go deeper in the afternoon.
Advanced: Refining and perfecting to make more advanced techniques possible after lunch.

Part 2: Circular breathing
Beginners: Introduction; how does it work and how do you use this breathing when playing the didgeridoo?
Advanced: Deepening and refining. A lot of attention is paid to the tongue and proper abdominal breathing and use of the diaphragm.

Lunch (1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.)

Afternoon program (2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Beginners get the opportunity to spend more time on what was covered in the morning, such as tongue-cheek techniques, lips, jaw, and breathing components. Advanced players will focus on the isolations of different muscles that are important for didgeridoo playing. This allows you, for example, to play a double wobble or an inhaled tooth by making certain muscle groups work separately or in cooperation.

* Doors open at 9:30 a.m. (we will start at 10:00 a.m.)
* Chairs are available, but it can also be nice to play while sitting on the ground.
Do you have your own chair or cushion to sit comfortably on the ground? Feel free to bring it.
* It’s also nice to bring your own water bottle.
* A good mood and openness to learning are all you need to bring. Everything else is provided.
* Afterwards, there is the possibility to purchase a didgeridoo yourself.

Didgeridoo camp

Didgeridoo camp

DIDGERIDOO CAMP at Hvozd – didgeridoo monastery
is an intesive didgeridoo retreat for advanced players that desire to get deeper in playing skills and mind set up … under supervision of three excellent teachers with very various aproach and techniques:

Lies Beijerinck – is a legendary Didgeridoo Mama of Europe and professional didgeridoo player for more then 20 years on the stage
Lukáš Pilnaj – didgeridoo maker-performer-teacher, representative of East – European – monk style
Fredie Vegie – Experience player, sound inventor and unbearably technical supervisor and IT 🙂 Presenting audio and mic set up.